Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kids say the darndest things!

We took Afton to the pool today - she LOVES the water (again - no fear)! She's learning how to swim, and doing a really great job; so I bought her a kickboard. Today was the first day she had tried to use it, and she was having a difficult time. Joe and I were talking about it and decided it probably had to do with her having a hard time keeping her balance. I didn't think she was paying much attention...little did I know. A little while later Afton slipped on one of the steps and fell. Thank goodness she was ok! After I checked her over, I asked her if she was hurt - but she was crying so hard she couldn't answer; so I started to rephrase the question..."Did you hurt your arm?" "Did you hurt your foot?" "Did you hurt your leg?" She looked at me, and through all her tears said "No mommy, I hurt my balance!" We tried so hard
not to laugh at her, because she was trying so hard to be grown up...but it was really funny!

This is a picture from earlier this summer - she almost always refuses to wear her jacket anymore. But look at that smile - my girl loves the pool!

1 comment:

Jill W said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Lucy is also fearless. She loves to climb and get on things. There's just something about little girls. We got into blogging when everyone at church in Moscow was doing it. It's a good way to keep an electronic journal of sorts. Take care,

Jill, Stephen, Lucy and Lilybeth