Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

This Halloween was so much fun!! I think it was the first Halloween that Afton really got into the whole pumpkin-carving, spider-web manipulating, scary-music-playing joy of it. She picked out her very own costume for the first time this year too. She was (and I quote) "a blue butterfly fairy". She was very put-out if anybody called her a princess or just a fairy. She would get this very exasperated tone in her voice and say "I'm not a princess, I'm a blue butterfly fairy". Occasionally it ended with a stomped foot.
Here's a rundown of the week's events:
Pumpkin Carving With My Home Skillet

Joe has been working a lot of nights this past week (a bank downtown flooded last week, 5 floors of fire alarms have to be replaced and tested), so Afton and I decided to carve a pumpkin together...she loved "scooping". She has a little song that went something like this: "Mommy scrapes and Afton scoops and Mommy scrapes and Afton scoops..." As it turns out, we're not to bad at the pumpkin-carving thing - a picture of our witch pumpkin is further down. And isn't Afton too cool in her shades?

Partyin' With The Preschoolers

Afton's preschool class had their Halloween party on Friday. They had so much fun! They danced the Hokey Pokey, did a conga line ('cause let's be honest, it just isn't a Halloween Party without a conga line), ate enough junk food to choke a horse and watched a Halloween cartoon. I think it was every 3 year-old's idea of Heaven on earth.

Trunk or Treat!

These are from the Trunk or Treat held at the Stake Center on Halloween night. We chose to do this rather than go door to door in our own neighborhood, because it didn't look to promising here. Afton loved the "sparkles" on her face and said they matched the ones in her skirt. You can't really tell in the second photo; because she was dancing, but there are tiny lights in her skirt that blinked on and off - she was so proud of them! And I have to thank the Yankeys, they parked next to us and provided the best music for her to dance the night away!
I was pretty proud of how our trunk turned out - considering I'm still missing one whole box of Halloween decorations. Joe put dry ice in the cauldrons, he blew fire extinguishers under the front of the van, so there was smoke billowing out from underneath the back - the kids loved it! The little blue pumpkin is one that Afton did all by herself, since she wasn't able to carve one; and the one with the stickers she did in Preschool. And once it got dark we lit the witch up...

All in all, it was a really great Halloween, and I'm glad that I have 360 days until I have to do it all over again!


Amber Lee said...

Looks like fun! Afton is so beautiful. I was just going through old pictures tonight and found one of her when she was a baby, and she's just so gorgeous. And I love her blue butterfly fairy costume! :-)

Laura said...

You had a really busy Halloween. Afton was so pretty in her costume. I think that's hilarious that she would correct people - you go girl! I remember getting upset one year, when I was supposed to be an indian and everyone thought I was a squirel.

Afton's mommy said...

Indian...squirrel...I can absolutely see how the two can be confused...???