Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

Yep, you read right...it snowed today...here...in Southeastern, Coastal North Carolina. Now, I know that it was only a couple flurries, and nothing stuck to anything; but don't bother me with technicalities and details - it was snow!! I love that the weather is turning, and the leaves are changing, and I can leave my windows open during the day to let in the brisk, fall air. I love that I can start playing Christmas music, and cussing at a tangled strand of tree lights. I can start buying Christmas presents and wrapping paper. It means hot chocolate first thing in the morning and last thing at night, cozy sweaters and cute tights for little girls, snuggly blankets and soups & chili for dinner, cold noses and pink cheeks, I even went to Toys R Us tonite and didn't murmer under my breath when the cashier couldn't figure out how to ring in a coupon...it must be Christmas!!

1 comment:

Amber Lee said...

Wow, what's happening to the world when we're only wearing jackets here and you're getting snow there in the end of November? Crazy!