Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sunbeams & Cookies

Yesterday was Afton's first day as a Sunbeam. She wasn't particularly excited about leaving Nursery. I kept trying to explain to her that she would be in "Big Kids Primary" with her cousin Nikki, and her friends Rebecca and Aiden. I told her that she was such a big girl that now she was going to be a Sunbeam. She said "No I'm not, I'm just Afton". She did pretty good for opening exercises she got to sit with Nikki during the talks and things. Class was a little harder, because there aren't any toys to play with, and Singing Time was mostly "Dancing and Singing Time" in her world. I'm torn between my calling as Primary President, and being her mom. But trying to see it from her perspective, there is a huge difference between what's expected of them in Nursery and Primary. We're going to have to do something to make that transition easier for all of them. Anyway - here are some pictures I took before we left for church. Although she couldn't have cared less about being a Sunbeam, she was really excited about the dress!

When we got home from church, Afton and Joe made some chocolate chip cookies together. They were so cute together - messy, but cute!

Licking her finger...

and the spoon...

and the beaters...it's amazing we had anything left to make cookies with!

The fruits (ummm...cookies?) of their labors.

1 comment:

Jill W said...

I'm the Primary Pres in my ward, too, and we told the Sunbeam leaders to bring snacks for the first couple of months. Face it, 3 hours is a long time for an adult to go without eating, much less a 3 year old! We also told them to snag a few toys out of the nursery. We have Sacrament first, and closing excercises in Primary. Our Junior Primary meets right after Sacrament, so after that they go to class time and play with toys for about 10 minutes and have a quick snack before their lesson time. By the end of the year, there will be no more toys and no more snacks, so they'll move into CTR 5 with no problems. By closing excercises they are all bouncing off walls, but I'm ready to go home, too, so I understand!

Another thing we do to help get them ready while they're still in Senior Nursery (our nursery is big so we split it; they go to senior nursery the year they'll turn 3) is start to bring them into Singing Time in November or December. That way they're a little familiar with the room, and at least know what to expect about one thing.

We also tried to have the Sunbeam teachers go to Sr Nursery the week before the New Year, but only one kid was there this time, so we bagged that idea, although I think we'll try it again earlier this year.

I've also heard of some wards moving up their Nursery workers into Primary with the Sunbeams. That wasn't an option for us, because we combine Primary and Nursery with a Spanish branch, and the Senior Nursery workers don't speak English very well and weren't interested in making that move, but that could work for some wards.

I love the Christmas post, by the way! It looks like you had a wonderful time!